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Auto-Immune Bundle

The Auto-Immune Bundle is a start to addressing the imbalance in auto-immune presentations in women. Generally women are diagnosed with an auto-immune disease between 40 and 60 years old, and a major player in the cause of this is stress.

Two in three of all people with an auto-immune disease are women.

This bundle is an attempt to increase awareness of this issue, and also to teach you how to reduce the likelihood of a client developing an auto-immune disease, how to manage flare ups, and how exercise can send an auto-immune disease in to remission. You are powerful in your role as a personal trainer.

If you’re ready to:

  • Impact your female client’s lives in a profound way
  • Change lives beyond weight loss and aesthetics
  • Use the humble tools of movement prescription to impact people’s disease in a positive way
  • Understand what kinds of exercise are appropriate so that you know, with absolute certainty, you’re helping and not harming this particular client

Included in this bundle:

Each course is worth 1 CEC/CPD with AusActive and NZREPS, and will take 1-2hrs to complete

Original price was: $235.00.Current price is: $188.00.

Course Description

The Auto-Immune Bundle is a start to addressing the imbalance in auto-immune presentations in women. Generally women are diagnosed with an auto-immune disease between 40 and 60 years old, and a major player in the cause of this is stress.

Two in three of all people with an auto-immune disease are women.

This bundle is an attempt to increase awareness of this issue, and also to teach you how to reduce the likelihood of a client developing an auto-immune disease, how to manage flare ups, and how exercise can send an auto-immune disease in to remission. You are powerful in your role as a personal trainer.

If you’re ready to:

  • Impact your female client’s lives in a profound way
  • Change lives beyond weight loss and aesthetics
  • Use the humble tools of movement prescription to impact people’s disease in a positive way
  • Understand what kinds of exercise are appropriate so that you know, with absolute certainty, you’re helping and not harming this particular client

Included in this bundle:

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