Course Description
Women have common postural and mobility changes throughout the lifespan, and are more at risk of tendon and ligament injury; this session is for trainers who would like to buck the trend in this respect!
In this session you will:
- Take a look at three women’s posture and get better at looking for areas of misalignment (without diagnosing!)
- Learn a three step process to “unwind” area’s of tightness and “connect the dots” to release the whole body along the lines of connective tissues
- Start seeing the body as a whole unit, and gain some understanding in how one thing affects another (for example, a c-section could affect posture and mobility)
- Have a go at looking at mentorship participant’s posture, prescribing a mobilisor, and gaining immediate feedback in that movement
1 CEC with AusActive
1 CPD with NZ Reps
This course is available as a PDF download, and will take 1-2hrs to complete.
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