Course Description
Loss of balance is the leading cause of falls in the elderly and 80% of falls happen in the home1. If not practiced, our balance deteriorates with age. Every year more than one in three people aged 65 years or older fall2 and this will only increase as the aged population grows.
Balance is not only essential for everyday tasks, at any age, but can also prevent injury if you need to react to a sudden change in direction3.
The good news is that it is possible to slow down deterioration in balance with exercises and reduce the risk of future falls by being active4. This starts when the client is about 30 years old, and the more work you put in to their balance at this age, the better off they’ll be when they’re 80!
Why Restore Your Balance?
The process of losing balance starts around 30 years old. If you want your clients to be as independent as possible, for as long as possible, you have to start when they’re at their strongest and most balanced!