Course Description
Do you want to bring the joy of health and exercise you feel to everyone else… or help your clients achieve their goal weight?
This course series is about introducing evidence-based techniques to complement your fitness sessions, to give you and your client the best chance at achieving satisfaction and SUCCESS!!
In this course series, we tackle the negative self-image that many of our clients feel.
Based on the evidence put forward in The Happiness Advantage, and numerous other studies on ‘Enclothed Cognition’, we know, for example, that clothing can have a positive (and negative) impact on our behaviour, our self-worth, our chances of success, and even our intelligence.
Help your clients succeed by utilising deliberate words and behaviours that trigger a specific result.
Research tells us dress can affect your self-perception (12), your chances of success (13), and even athletic performance (14). Different clothing choices can make you feel better, smarter, or more empowered (15). So simple, and yet so powerful for you and your clients.
The concept called “Enclothed Cognition” (16) found that what a participant wore affected their ability to perform in a simple test. A study at Harvard University showed how you dress can affect your mood, your ability to lose weight, and other aspects of your behaviour (like the likelihood of you cheating at a game!) (17).
In addition to this, there are simple geometric solutions to “working with what you have”. For example, clothing that ends at the widest part of your body will draw a line through that part, drawing the eye, and making it seem wider.
You’ll learn about all this, and more, with this Fitness Australia-accredited online course.
Stylist and Personal Trainer Charlotte Downey, from Streetstyle + Fitness, has designed this course to help your clients see themselves in a more positive light, improving their self perception, self-esteem, chances of success, and self satisfaction (18).
14 K yle CR, Caiozzo VJ. The effect of athletic clothing aerodynamics upon running speed. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1986 Oct;18(5):509-
16 Hajo Adam, Adam D. Galinsky. Enclothed cognition. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 48 (2012) 918–925 Northwestern University,
Evanston, IL 60208, USA
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