In Business, Do You Know What You Do Exactly???
One of the biggest challenges in business, when creating a new product or service, is defining what you do…. and by this we don’t mean “I’m a personal trainer”, or “i have a personal training studio”. This question is about the defining the undefinable quality that attracts your customer…
We get to this by asking LOTS of questions, starting with:
- Who are you? Include your name,age, gender (of course), but also your DISC personality type, your Myers Briggs, and whatever else you can get your hands on… consider asking yourself what your dreams and desires are too, and what excites you? You need to be crystal clear on who you are!
- What exactly do you do? Yeah yeah yeah, we know you’re a PT or florist or travel agent… but why does someone come to you instead of another PT, florist, or travel agent? What do you do differently, or better?
- Who are your clients now? You might go through the above process and realise that your current client base is WAY off-base! If you define yourself as a “movement coach that aims to create opportunities for mum’s to try new sports and have new experiences without breaking their bodies” (like Clare does), but find yourself training middle aged men who work at IBM, then there’s a serious discrepancy between “what you do” and “what you’re doing”… sort that out!
In business, this will mean that sometimes, you say NO, or refer elsewhere. There ain’t nothing quite so good for your business than a healthy referral scheme with another fitness professional or allied health professional! You’re building trust in your clients and communities when you are putting their needs first and sending them to the best professional for their goals. You will see that your referrals in return start to build, this time people needed what you DO do!
This is Business Coaching. Coaching hones and defines who you are and what you do, setting you on a bee-line to your dreams and desires. A good coach can help you identify and avoid threats and weaknesses early, before you’ve made the mistakes that cost you!
Burrell Education has a Mentorship program, where you can learn all the tricks of the trade from the great woman herself, Jenny Burrell! See the next class intake here.
Alternatively, if you prefer one on one business coaching, you can lock in skype dates with Clare Hozack. Book an introduction to business coaching session here!